For centuries, blue diamonds have been used in fine diamond jewelry. The majority of royal and wealthy families have worn blue diamond-based jewelry and show their richness. The natural blue diamond is rare and found very rare while mining from selected areas. Now blue diamond is an affordable way to be available in a Lab-grown diamonds category and it is quite affordable as well. It is possible to obtain blue diamonds without giving up hope. Blue diamond colors include light blue hues with grey undertones and dark blue hues with a black undertone.
What Is Blue Lab Grown Diamond?
In a lab-grown diamond, there are blue color hues created through the LPHT process (low pressure high temperature), and make required types of blue shades of colors diamond created under a lab chamber. There are certain types of colors available like light blue, deep blue, and vivid blue and these colors are also demandable in the jewelry market.
Different types of blue diamonds
The majority of blue diamonds are Type IIb; they make up only 0.1% of the world’s colored diamonds. However, the fancy color of blue diamonds ranges from light to deep, vivid blue. Most diamonds have secondary hues that change their color to green or gray.
A blue diamond can appear as a pale bluestone, a vivid bluestone, or even a combination of two colors like blue and purple. Secondary hues add color and character to the stone. There are different types of fancy diamonds based on their blue color;
Faint Blue
A faint blue diamond is a trace of blue color which is not visible to the open eye but can be seen with a magnifying glass.
Fancy Light Blue
The fancy light blue diamond has a body color index between 2-7. Some qualified diamonds are very slightly detectable by the naked eye, though they can be easily recognized with the help of a magnification glass or loupe.
Very Light Blue
A very light blue diamond is a small trace of blue color found on the surface of the diamond. A naked eye cannot see this color but can be distinguished with magnifying glasses.
Light Blue
Light blue diamonds are easily detectable by the naked eye as they contain more amount of visible light. However, light blues are in a lower range of body color index than fancy light blues. The body color index for a Light blue diamond is between 5-8.
Fancy Intense Blue
An intense blue diamond is a strong and deep shade of blue color. These diamonds have a body-color index between 8 and 10. They are very rare and the most expensive type of diamond that has been discovered.
Intense Blue
Intense blue stones have a strong blue color and are usually of poor quality. They are found in Myanmar, Brazil, Russia, Australia, and India.
Royal Blue
The royal blue diamonds are all-around light blues that have a body-color index between 10-12. These diamonds have a high proportion of yellow, which sometimes gives them an orange-yellow hue.
Fancy deep blue stone
Deep blue diamonds are the ones that have the highest possible body color index (10). The body color index for these diamonds is even higher than that of fancy purplish-pink diamonds.
Fancy Vivid Blue
A vivid blue diamond is a very deep shade of blue. These diamonds have a body color index between 12-15. Vivid blue diamonds are very rare and the most sought-after type of diamond.
Price of blue diamonds
The price of the blue diamonds depends on the quantity and color of the body color index, which is a combination of body color and intensity. Fancy color diamonds will have a higher value as they differ in terms of quality.
The actual process through which a diamond becomes blue is not fully understood yet. It is assumed that it had an extremely high pressure when it was formed at such depths so that boron traces are embedded in its composition. These diamonds tend to have good stability so that they do not easily change their color. The most important step in the process is that the boron has to embed itself inside the diamond crystal lattice.
Blue diamonds can be worn as an engagement ring or a wedding ring and are considered a symbol of love and affection.
Many people believe that blue diamonds are more valuable and have greater value than other colors, including white, pink, and yellow. There is a widely held view that blue diamonds are more expensive than other colored diamonds.
Ways of using fancy blue color diamonds
Fancy Blue diamonds make magnificent pieces of jewelry. Blue is often used to highlight other diamond characteristics. For example, Fancy Light Blue Diamonds will be set in platinum earrings that can complement its pale blue color with white diamonds. The combination of yellow and light blue colors can also be a pleasant surprise for any lucky person.
Fancy Blue diamonds are also used to make rings. Rings with blue center diamonds fit well with almost all types of gemstones that have a regular shape or oval shape (i.e., fancy white, pink, or yellow). They are also popular to use in engagement rings because they can be easily set on a white gold or platinum ring.
Blue color diamonds are also used to make earrings, pendants, or necklaces. They are very suited for these types of jewelry since they have the same characteristics as the diamonds that were once used in rings. For example, any jewelry with light blues will be matched well with light blue diamond earrings. The Claddagh ring is another famous way to use blue diamonds as an engagement ring.